Please Be Patient With Me I'm From The 1900's T-Shirt

Size Small Medium Large LT XL 3XLT XLT 2XL 2XLT 3XL 4XL 4XLT 5XL 6XL
Color Black Navy Heather Royal
This exclusive t-shirt shows a Conestoga wagon arriving at a fort in the Oregon Trail video game. The shirt reads Please Be Patient With Me I'm From The 1900's.

Oregon Trail simulates the experience of westward migration, with the main goal of the game being to successfully guide your group of settlers across the treacherous and challenging journey. Oregon Trail is not a fast moving game, but then again, it should have come with a warning that read "Please be patient with me I'm from the 1900's."

For any fan of the game that combines elements of strategy, resource management, and history education, this exclusive Please Be Patient With Me I'm From The 1900's T-Shirt is a must have!